Lifecycle Compost

Completing the composting cycle.

Fall is the beginning of the leaf composting season at Renewed Earth. Select communities with organized municipalities have partnerships with Renewed Earth in our composting operations. These municipalities collect leaves from urban areas and use properly developed staging sites to limit the risk of contamination.

Leaf Based Compost

The quality of all finished product begins with the initial material gathered by composting operations. Renewed Earth is selective in choosing the communities and composting operations we work with. This selectivity allows us to produce a cleaner, more uniform, finished compost.

Lifecycle Compost is both a product and the foundation for some of Renewed Earth’s product offerings. Our active composting process creates an environment where billions of soil organisms are formed—organisms that work in concert with plants and organic matter to deliver integral nutrients to plants. Lifecycle Compost allows Renewed Earth the necessary soil organisms and organic matter to create a sustainable and effective media for all your growing needs.

The Composting Process

Organic Soil Amendment

Lifecycle Compost, comprised of thoroughly composted leaves, will boost organic content and improve soil properties. It can be blended with soil and other products to create favorable growing conditions for turf and ornamentals.

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