If you grow hops in a flat, blueberries in a container, evergreens in a pot or other specialty crops in the field, Renewed Earth has the products for you. From rooted cuttings to field production, Renewed Earth provides growing media and soil amendments to help your plants do their thing.

Products for Agriculture
Fall is the beginning of the leaf composting season at Renewed Earth. Select communities have partnerships…
Growing Media
We utilize a proprietary computerized model to formulate media with the desired physical and chemical properties tailored to your unique specifications…
Related Industries
Commercial Cannabis growers require high quality substrate in order to achieve optimal yields. The incorporated fertilizer is designed to provide a plentiful balanced nutrient profile capable of sustaining healthy growth for a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks.
From site cleanup and restoration to landfill capping and closure, Renewed Earth works with you to help find the best material to meet your project requirements. Products can be blended and material offered locally to help keep projects moving towards completion.
Professional Growers
Our horticultural consultant will work closely with you to design custom media tailored to your unique specifications.
We would love to help answer your questions.
Please give us a call or fill out our contact form to begin the process!